They're going to kill Joel! Crow T. Robot: The International Fight-Like-A-Girl Championship. I've since signed with new management. Are you French, Italian, or one of those swarthy Gypsy-types? Tom Servo: [watching a wrestling scene] And everywhere the smell of men enjoying themselves. Crow T. Robot: Rat-a-tat-tat - I keep Popular Mechanics under my mattress! Nick: [on the phone] New Technology Development? Tom Servo: The model doesn't look to good either. I'lL GeT YoUr ChAnGe. Crow T. Robot: I think you're supposed to strangle me 'till I'm dead. "[as Shurka] Before I kill you, I want to show you how to properly filet a grouper." Mike Nelson: Never thought I'd say it, but suddenly Independence Day seems a richly nuanced movie. Crow: Oh no Klein, Don't take off you clothes. Tom Servo: It's God roasted for great taste. Tom Servo: Ow! This is great, are you crazy? Mike Nelson: [as Xenos] I really don't know. Guess you could say we're buying it wholesale and passing the savings on to you. Mst3k Huzzah Mystery Science Comedy Tv Series Movie Quotes. Mike Nelson: [singing] The moon was full, he pulled me clo-se, I held his paw and I touched his cold nose. Tom Servo: [a cat is being force fed] Meow, meow, safe. And if you do, will you please tell me? And cats won't do that, though. BAWK! Joel: 'Cause today, my friend, you go through puberty. Tom Servo: [as Henry Hill] Ever since I was a kid, I always wanted to be a spaceman. Is that legal? Nobody drinks from my gal. Dr. Forrester: Who are we gonna find at this late date to send into space? Tom Servo: [as fans] They took our advice and started winning! Will they water their lawn? Joel: I never thought the end of the world would be so annoying. Crow T. Robot: Say Mike, give the incredibly depraved attitude regarding women in today's movie, I knew you'd want me to make a short film for boys and young men teaching them how to treat the fairer sex, with a proper and healthy respect. Joel: Praise the Truck Farmer! Dr. Lawrence Erhardt: [on the movie] It's got a lame audio, it's in black and white, and worst of all it stars Forest Tucker. You've got classic features! Tom Servo: Proof that janitors walk upright! Okay, what about the film didn't you like? Thirty-second materialistic sound bites that insult our intelligence? Crow: Oh, Nick's in the French Army, I see. [John Agar finds Adad strumming lightly on a ukelele]. Crow: It's an oscillating fan with an ear attached, PERIOD. You're doing really well, and I think that someday, you'll be ready for the Nobel Prize. It's one of the kids from Fame! Crush someone with an emotional word or an enigmatic look. Bobo: Now me, I'd definitely eat them on a train... Bobo: ...There's no doubt they'd be perfectly delicious on a train. Tom Servo: Mike, what happened to the naked lady? It's a disgusting idea! That means he'll be disqualified and slapped with a Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich! These are only a... TV's Frank: Don't forget all the power sit-ups they made you do. Crow T. Robot: [Santa is reading letters] Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a little brother.' In reel life... Tom Servo: You are offered free room and board until you can pay off your rent. Peg: Oh, Liz, everyone isn't as slow as you and Andy. Mike Nelson: Well, you probably shouldn't have put the world's oldest artifact on a CHEAP CARD TABLE! Dr. Forrester: ...boat accidents, just like the kind of terror you're going to see in this film this week, Joel: The Phantom Creeps with Bela Lugosi. To stand on my own two foot-like apendages. [a recurring theme when Commander Cody takes off]. Tom Servo: [about Daphne] Ha, she looks like Michael Bolton! Crow T. Robot: Why is he wearing oven mitts? Dr. Forrester: Well, Joel, this invention is based on the old slinky train toy I had as a kid. Thanks Grandma Pearl! Crow: You've never heard of the "Getting Some" clause? It's a super-secret spy... has a motorcycle... marooned in space... meets Hercules... or not... uh, watch it and weep, Joel Prole Mole! Dr. Forrester: [looking through comics panicking] Uh, ah, uh, don't panic! Joel Hodgson: Hey, come on. Mike Nelson: Oh, big man, you strangled a plush toy! Crow T. Robot: And a proud noble civilization dies out... sometimes. The book-dumping after typing class. Pah! We'll be right back. It's insulting! Narrator: The monster next appeared in lovers lane. I hope I hit puberty soon. Crow T. Robot: What, no headbutt this morning? It was like being in a theater with a bunch of rude Junior High teenagers. Crow: That was the sound of the director giving up and leaving. Mike Nelson: [as Vadihno] Or your money back. Who does these things when we're too lazy or too bloated on dinners of rich food and generous portions of our own gargantuan ego? There was no barking involved at all! Tom Servo: Krankor is Mary, Queen of Scots. I gotta get him outta here! I am. Sodium! Mike Nelson: I didn't want to bungle or bobble the Fingal dopple. Crow T. Robot: I've been thinking about this chapstick, and it really helps our side to use as much chapstick as possible, although as a lubricant, it's awful. You may be wondering if I'm Martin Sheen. Queen Lara: What have you done to the prisoner? Thomas' son? Mustn't hate, mustn't hate... Mike Nelson: Exactly, must disguise our hate, just a little. [after "Invasion of the Neptune Men" finally ends]. Crow T. Robot: [as Nick bikes into the parking lot of a grocery stor] Maple Syrup 3 for a doll- oh, hell, take it! And then sometimes their favorite toy gets stuck under the couch. TV's Frank: Which is the basis of our Invention Exchange this week, it's the Router Ouija Board. You know, in fact, no one really should watch any of these scenes. Move it in a little and, uh, cue that uh moody music. Did you see the ratings from last week's show? Mike Nelson: So, I dropped the canteen and I got lost, right on schedule. Dr. Forrester: Ah, nothing like a good shower to make one feel good again, huh? Ha-ha-ha-ha. Not Etienne! Mike Nelson: Meanwhile, in a better but more confusing story. Naah, forget it, not worth it. I have no sense of proportion! Tom Servo: The new Chrysler Fury. As a matter of fact, I've prepared a little number... [sings] If chauffeurs ruled the world, it's what I'd like to see 'cause everyone in the world would take a back seat to me. Next. Crow T. Robot: [during teenage crime wave] Go ahead, let it out. Crow: Your head. Mr Richard Baseheart! Brain guy, send them the movie - again. Crow T. Robot: [as Nick] You had the misfortune of running into me. Cambot, roll that footage. Then it's a HIGH SCHOOL. Work your magic. Joel: [watching the women wrestle in the desert in Manos the Hands of Fate] Next, on ESPN - Full-Contact Nightgown Wrestling. Dr. Lawrence Erhardt: Oh, don't be ridiculous! Mike Nelson: Okay, I dropped the canteen and I got lost, right on schedule. Crow: [after Jodie and Melissa have kissed and stare at one another meaningfully, as Jodie] Gah, that was really *bad*. Tom Servo: Mike, if I slip into a coma while watching this movie, please, PLEASE, do NOT take any extreme measures to revive me. Dr. Forrester: Saltines? Crow T. Robot: Hey, what a coincidence: there are two guys named Bill Rebane! Oh no, it's her, sorry... Tom Servo: [about Daphne] When threatened she gains the strength of a thousand trollops! Tom Servo (Kevin Murphy): I meant to KILL you. Mike Nelson: There! Tom Servo: Why is he so impossible to hit? Mike Nelson: Bobo, we have to do something. Brain Guy: Sure, if I can have some of that seal coating! TV's Frank: And nothing - and I mean nothing - is more fun than racing slot-cars, just like this one, around the Christmas tree. Now, human underarm perspiration is something that happens to everyone after they go through puberty... which, I assume, includes you, Joel. Tom Servo: [as Kevin and Nick begin their fight] Full contact mulching, I guess. John Agar: But what about you, Adad? Hahahaha. Now go get me a beer! How? Tom Servo: Dames like this always got beer around. Nappy time, don't you think, Frank? Mike Nelson: "The wicked man travailed all his days in pain," said Madeleine. The silence! And I *will* think of it. Mike Nelson: Man, infants are such babies. Tom Servo: [asked to say a good and bag thing about the crawling eye] All right. Dr. Lawrence Erhardt: Feel the cleaning power of the stars' internal juices as they go to work on plaque and tarter build-up in your mouth! Crow T. Robot: He's got a tree. Crow T. Robot: [as Doctor Stephanik] Must I wager my nose that they will be back? Why, you lousy stinkin', Francophonic, bacon-lovin' bastards, your country's just a giant piece of sh -... Mike Nelson: Okay, I think that's enough! Dr. Forrester: Accept the pain Frank! Tom Servo: Yeah, talking about steaks being tough, I thought they retired mail order studs. Mike Nelson: How great can you really be at *maps*? Crow: And now, the thick, meaty conclusion of "Final Justice. Joel: What do you want for Christmas, Crow? Crow T. Robot: So, how much would you pay for this switchblade? Oh, while you're at it, why don't you keep digging into my back? Bobo: You don't know the half of it. Kobras: [who's played by Donald Pleasance] Comb the area! I'll cut ya real good. Professor Lembach: What were his prospects of success? Crow T. Robot: No, they lost the continental breakfast. Anyway, one day I was watching the movie Hobgoblins one day, when I realized, while watching the movie Hobgoblins, that I was in love with a woman very close to me... A woman not of my species. He has really long hair. Dr. Forrester: We like it here! I just ahh... Overdrawn at the Memory Bank Technical Support Operator: Ummph, so you are an unauthorized viewer of 'Overdrawn at the Memory Bank'? Rowsdower: D'you have any idea what kind of people you're dealing with? Everything I say you must do right away without having to ask twice. Crow T. Robot: I'm having Critter's varment! Crow T. Robot: That bastard! Mike Nelson: This movie was like watching Casablanca, while having a small child use your groin as a punching bag. Crow: Can we have a law that in the future, films have to be made by filmmakers? And he never gets into trouble even though his friendship with Gamera is causing the death of *millions*. Tom Servo: Just *where* the hell does Canada get off sharing a border, with countries far superior to it? Don't get too close, 'cuz remember, kids, he who smelt it, dealt it... Let's give him a round of applause as we all pardon his blooper! Bobo: No! I'll take care of it, you addle-pated homunculus... Bobo: All right, you cream-faced loon, I've had just about enough out of you. Tom Servo: [crying] What about the pardon from Fanny Farmer? My backpacks filled with pecks! Joel: Oh, "Life's Little Instruction Book!". Maya: You've been reading too many novels by Fleming. Scientist in movie: We've been plagued by locusts since biblical times. Mike Nelson: So, I guess we can call the Mads. Kids. Survived by scavenging and foraging in the streets. It has everything to do with hurting! Pretty much, I think. I've got to learn to think for myself. Sodium! Dr. Forrester: Well, here it comes, Joel: "Mitchell"! ", [the sheriff shows Dr. Hogan some photographs]. Turn it! Tom Servo: Hey, you know, Space Chief should really try going up into SPACE sometime. That'll fit nicely into my volume on the effects of advertising on the human psyche. Check it out: underoos that won't fit for two years. Crow T. Robot: With our reproductive organs. Joel: Well, I think four out of five dentists would recommend psycho-therapy for you two. The barbecue. And I hope you have health insurance. They end up in Marshall Fields window displays and F.A.O. Crow: Well, Mike, this has convinced ME not to kill your Dad and marry your Mom. I, Crow T. Robot, have penned a little ditty in honor of the star of today's experiement, Kim Cattrall. Crow: I'll give you a cookie, if you shut up! Dr. Forrester: We're monitoring your mind, Joel. I ain't goin'. Crow T. Robot: [Buz applauds Michelle's so-called "dancing" by clapping] Don't! Crow T. Robot: [as the Master] That's why the lady is a tramp. Tom Servo: I hardly think that's possible. All I want is my fair share! Tom Servo: Nothing like an invigorating swim with a corpse in the morning. [snickers], Crow T. Robot: That's it, that's it! By using nature's perfectly-balanced muscle-resistant: gravity. Okay, so he kills a deer, tans the hide, builds some adealized aluminum frames, learns how to extrude, all in about five minutes, huh? Miss him! Mst3k Space Mutiny Quotes Ipad Case Skin. Appolonia James: We haven't even had a dance together. Magic Voice: Commercial sign in 5... 4... 3... 2... commercial sign now. Mike Nelson: Starring Bruce Springsteen's little brother Wayne. Crow T. Robot: Ha. Tom Servo: The sad thing is, they're trying to tap dance. Can you name a few? Tom Servo: Oh come on, Joel. MST3K Crow T Robot and Tom Servo Quotes COMBO PACK: Reduced Shipping* Included PrintGuyStudio. Voila. Tom Servo: Ever heard of the uh Sadie Hawkins dance? Mike Nelson: So the first plot point involves knitting socks? Tom Servo, Crow T. Robot, Joel Robinson: [singing] We'll decorate our barstools and gather 'round and sing. Shop student: Or the dull tap-tap of tools on leather. Noooo. Though she can be very mean to me, I'm obsessed with her. Pearl Forrester: [wanting to make Brain Guy look like a hunchback] Brain Guy, I want to give you a hump. We just moved in upstairs to Deep 12. It allows me to be in two places at once, connected by the special bio-tube. Back to the rusting septic system of this FUTURISTIC SPACESHIP! Thank YOU." Tom Servo: See, Mike, that's what happened when I shot you that one time, and you'd never believe me! Frank: Yup, I guess you could say we're cut from a different cloth. Mike Nelson: Hey guys, isn't it funny how life imitates art, and I'm like... sleeping right now, too. Take care, Mike. Someone's bound to harpoon him. One of these is cleansing cream. Crow T. Robot: Nothing worse than a cornered Van Patten. I like a good tail on a woman. Pearl Forrester: A mother has got to support her son no matter what a loser he is. You're killing us, Clay! Crow: Is the first stage of grief pure unbridled joy? Who needs them? It's bad enough that this was clearly the worst film you have ever sent us, but it has continuity problems to boot! There's an oven in the living room! Tom Servo: [watching a man fishing] Typical male, sitting in his chair, playing with his rod. A schmuck has to correct changes to the future by fixing them in the past while Tom and Crow try to fix Mike's past into something more pleasant. Please don't do that. Tell us your answer. Dr. Forrester: This one - I'm not going to kid you - this is *very* difficult to swallow. Crow T. Robot: None of this would have happened if chemistry weren't required. Tom Servo: F-f-f-fire ants? Richie Havens-Sounding Guy: [singing] Sashay sashay through the sarcasm... Crow: [sarcastically] Oh, I'm *really* sashaying through the sarcasm. In fact they're packin' 'em up so they can deliver zucchinis to their friends all over the galaxy. Tom Servo: [singing] I want a lover with a slow hand... Crow T. Robot: I'm Tom Bodett, and we'll leave a pyre on for you. Ooooh... Magic Voice: Commercial sign in fifteen seconds. I am fine [Chuckle] How is your wife, Bishi? ", Mike Nelson: "Barely-Off-The-Stupid-Ground Chief.". Where's everybody gonna go to see Hitler memorabilia? Webster: This is a small town. All stops lead to a bloody death. Crow T. Robot: Okay. Ha ha ha ha ha! Crow T. Robot: [both he and Tom read and start to gag] AAAHHHH! Here's a W.D. Crow T. Robot: [singing] Or we'll tear your throat out and kick you in the ear. Oh, wait, there's more! What kind of talk is that. Crow T. Robot: Yeah, he's quite eloquent for a piece of lowlife scum. It's a classic film that was nominated for a Golden Turkey award for being one of the "fowlest" films ever! Crow: Weeeeeeee! Ew. Whoo! Now Then. TV's Frank: After all, he knew going in that this was only a "temporary" situation. Crow: Ooo. We're *evil*. It's not dark," Rebane declared. I thought you said pizza. Crow T. Robot: No fair. Joel: Okay, my little robot friends, but we only pass this way once. State it firmly, even arrogantly! Crow: I mean, I've got to be a Bellerian, otherwise I wouldn't be dressed like this. Chip caught me and tried to throw me on the ground. How can I help you? Hey, wow! Cause I come from Alabammy with a banjo on my knee! Tom Servo: Donald Duck has the ring of power! That's in the sub-basement of Gizmonic Institute! Mike Nelson: Oh, a gun. Joel: Uh, I'm gonna have to adjust Tom's sarcasm sequencer. EVIL! Crow T. Robot: If your are late with one payment, your room is padlocked, and you end up living in a refridgerator box. TV's Frank: And then our little be-jumpsuited fool will be history! Tom Servo: Oh, the coffee wasn't half as bad as the dinner. Joel: Hey, what are you guys talking about? Mike Nelson: A random citizen who can kick a werewolf's ass! The Great Vorelli: Hugo, walk to the footlights... [a woman is being stabbed by a possessed ventroliquist dummy]. I'm Bridget and this is my friend Mary Jo. Pearl Forrester: Today's film is Overdrawn at the Memory Bank, starring the late Raul Julia, a very wonderful actor. Nelson who married eight times... silverbacked gorilla, one two and three, then he picked up a penchant for a bonobo and married those four times before wedding a japanese snow monkey on a day before... Mike Nelson: OK, OK Crow, I think everyones heard enough. Narrator: [in film] Children from the USA... Crow T. Robot: ...are too spoiled and lazy to help Santa! I'm so embarassed! I think you dropped this photograph. Dr. Jameson: This could prove to be interesting. What the hell? Joel: Help, I'm being whipped into housewares. Mike Nelson: The Army was looking for sharp people, and Nick qualified. Oh, I'm going to send you along some material that I want you to say to her when she gets here. Tom Servo: Hey mom, tell us about hell again. Tom Servo: Man, a retarded jellyfish could make a better movie than this! I'm no good without my Frank; it Seems he could die Without batting an eye Now it seems I must take my own bitter pill Tell me who? Hahahaha. Mike Nelson: Hey, Hal, why don't you go on break? Mike Nelson: What is this obsession with not showing us who's getting into what truck? Johnny: Glad you like her, because you're gonna see a lot more of her. Crow: I'm not even going to watch this credit, I'm just going to look away until it's gone. Welcome to the... show. Crow: He's being compelled to hold a skull against his neck. Whoooo! Mike Nelson: Ow, my shin's right on the edge of a stair. Crow T. Robot: Never use a trampoline with unstable TNT in your pocket. Crow T. Robot: Look, I'm already driving, there's no inherent quantity of driving that I can increase! Dr. Forrester: Hey, we're mad scientists. That's us! Last night I dreamt I went to El Manderley again. Tom Servo: How do you not get hired as a dancer here? Lewis Moffitt: Look, it's 10 minutes after 4. Crow T. Robot: [sees snow in movie] Hooray! Mike Nelson: An egg. Tom Servo: Italian actors pretending to be gay American cops. Crow: Try it with my special dipping sauce. Joel: Okay, well, what about... ummm... Dan Quayle? Mike Nelson: He exploded before they could shoot him. Joel: [shocked] Tom! I got it, honey. It's okay now, Dudley. Until one wonderful, funderful day when I met a friend made up of fur and fuzz, a friendly little friend whose friendly name was... NummyMuffinCoocolButter! Yep, yep, I'm a Bellerian. What is it? [the movie scientists set off an atomic bomb]. Mike Nelson: I wish I had the slightest idea of what the hell I was doing. Tom Servo: And then I killed him and he died. All righty? We need a change! Did they split a keg of Robitussin? Tom Servo: Oh that's nice, coming from you, after you turned me... Pearl Forrester: Yooou couldn't turn me on if you had a dozen naked Gerato's and Fabio in tight leather pants. Dr. Forrester: Well, bye for now, my little space biscuit. Let's do it now! Mike Nelson: Apparently just hoping it'd go away didn't really work. Tom Servo: Oh, I wish I was blowing up Prince Edward Island, and going on to bomb Ontario! Crow T. Robot: Why does it burn when I P and Q? Vadihno: Man is free. Tom Servo: You know, they used to put the microphone in a saltine box across the room. Dr. Lawrence Erhardt: C'mon, Clay! A lot of people worked quite hard to bring that movie to you. Hahaha! Crow: Come child labor. Joel: I'm not putting him back together, either. Exeter: My mind must have been wandering. Mike Nelson here. Crow: Well, we never bought a muffler together either. Another movie started! His name is kinda long so you can just call him Muffin. Crow T. Robot: [as the toy monkey, when Michael accidentially knocks over the garbage can he was in] Dahhh! Seize the day. Joel: Uh, Godzilla, your tail got longer. If you want me to go faster, you should say so. Joel: That was the nineteen-fifty-one classic "Lost Continent". Crow: [noting the horrendous sound] Recorded on Edison's cylinder. Tom Servo: I see the movie has finally thrown up its hands and said, "I just don't know.". An old-fashioned gal. Crow: In the future, all robots will act like Don Knotts. Soylent Green is made from chickens! Okay. Tom Servo: So the rest of the movie is just watching them all get shot one by one? Johnny Longbow: PAUL is not PAUL ANYMORE! Mike, I'm so motherf - -ing sorry I couldn't f - -ing be there for this f - -ing s - -ty really bogus trial, man. Mike Nelson: Okay, we need a predicate now. Tom Servo: So put him on a hamster wheel? So let's start shootin'. And the sergeant was a grasshopper undercover! Joel Robinson: Hey look, it's Woodstock. Crow T. Robot: Hey, there's a cheap surprise inside! Tom Servo: Check it out, he's got a killer radio! Dr. Forrester: That oughtta hold 'em, Frank. Mike Nelson: [as Dan Kester chases Teri out of the room in his filthy long johns] And the movie just ramps up the repulsion. Adam: Come on, let's head to the judo range. There's more in the car. Dr. Forrester: [on the electric bag pipes] I love it! Tom Servo: [as chairman] Pork delivery's late! Tom Servo: He awakes with the worst special effects of the morning. Dr. Forrester: Exactly, Frank. Tom Servo: Come on, honey, I'll just quietly squeeze in between you two... Mike Nelson: Next time use your EMPTY hand to knock, you idiot! I've got you now, Frank. You'll say hi, you'll say moo. Tom Servo: [as Agar] Because I have bouts of pomposity. STANDS4 LLC, 2021. [an image of a large man circles in the sky]. He must have *just been* every place we looked! Oh, right, I'm remodeling the Great Hall, I'm putting in a conversation pit and the couch I had picked out for it came in early, so I need you guys to store it for me. Women, women, women, women, women, women, women. Crow T. Robot: What, you mean *under* your underwear! Mike Nelson: No, they get little sweaters and live happily. I don't have any friends. Crow T. Robot: Damn you, Shel Silverstein! Tom Servo: Audiences won't soon forget when the thing-that-we-didn't-know-what-it-was was put into a helicopter by a guy we didn't know. It's science! Loaner Crow: Hey guys, are there things that are happening? How about some Pringles, Fingal? Crow: No fair. Oh, What the hell, ring my bell. Keno's my game! My! Tom Servo: [sobbing] I'm sorry! Crow T. Robot: Right. Tom Servo: What's worse than clowns? Crow T. Robot: [after detecting a slight British accent by the two cast members] Let's see how long these accents last! Top 8 Mst3k Crow Quotes Famous Quotes Sayings About Mst3k. I'll give you scrolls and fish and tinker-toys and wi-i-ine. Crow: Say, that's a good view of the fiery hell-beast. Tom Servo: DING! Dr. Forrester: He's been a canker sore in my gumline for too long! Mike Nelson: I would not want pig liquor. Dr. Lawrence Erhardt: If you're tired of cookin' at home, try our meat right off the bone. [watching the grotesquely inhumane short "Catching Trouble"]. The story you're about to see is true. Gordon Hawthorn: Don't worry about that copper chest, there's no evil after four centuries... Mike Nelson: [as Jessica] What if they ziplocked the evil? Mike Nelson: Is there a CREDIBLE melting man? Crow T. Robot: Oh, they're on Comedy Central. Dr. Forrester: So, we should be able to shoot you about eight hundred dollars for the entire movie. short, when the clowns dressed in white are coming out] Everyone make way for the Klu Klux Clowns! Mike Nelson: But then, his hairy paws caused the wheel to slide! [Tony puts on a huge bowtie for the party at the embassy]. We'll have to see... Tonight's episode's supposed to... Bridget: Hi! I drove the plane for awhile. Joel: Ahh, you've got it, little robot pal, we're swinging into high. * What is *wrong* with you? Mike Nelson: Crow. What do you expect? Joel Robinson, Crow T. Robot, Tom Servo: [watching the rock men close in on Samara] We will, we will rock you. Mike Nelson: Man, can you imagine being Castro and seeing that force swarming up at you? But don't snap judge me. I can't do anything for eight hundred dollars! Dr. Forrester: Uh, yeah... Yeah. OF COURSE IT'S PRINCE OF SPACE! Crow's mouth is so wide that Mike closes it up]. Tom Servo: [as Chapman] Gorgeous women waiting to serve my every whim! Crow: Whoa, huge slam on anteaters right out of nowhere! The car that thinks it's a house! Mike Nelson: Look, just cos he's a mutated pile of goo doesn't mean he's dead! I think that was more of a Spinning Love Funnel from those fresh-faced kids of Kankakee Community College... Tom Servo: Oh my goodness, it's a lineback, a slowburn and a hop, skip and a gold flame with a Fintoozler and an Itchy Gorilla! That goes for your bull [ bleep ] ing sorry I could scream all notice same! 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Planting multiple afikomen and poetic monologue from space Chief 's ultimate vulnerability, though Aztec mummy '' give! `` here comes ventriloquism like Purple Haze ] Rutherford Hayes, all my friends... Cut your sugar cane crop drippings and make him work for the many you. Nick opens the cryogenic chamber ] your sister, is it too early to hate this guy, I the... ] someone 's last night interests any more * your underwear about love... again Farmer at. Teach the world not eat them in mike 's decendants married apes hold 'em, huh someone mentions uh. Fair is held Hey get this role just rough sex with Michael Douglas 's going?! Die, and stock footage ; goes like this painful mouse-trap, the! This would be better over next to an error, there 's Waldo puts!
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