stay cheerful as always

share. While some people can fight terrible losses, others are shaken by the most superficial challenges. Hold deg oppdatert om ny forskning og medisinske nyheter. The posters have previously received little attention in medical literature, but they can elucidate some features of life and the health propaganda of their time. The sexton’s children had it worst; they would often be present at mission and temperance meetings until one o’clock in the morning’ (22). People who are always cheerful know that being positive is a constant battle. – William Rotsler. The world can become a happier and more cheerful place, yet for this to happen, all of us should decide to make happiness a priority. Yeah, it sucks that I didn’t get the RA position, but I didn’t let it get me down, which I am pretty proud of. © Dagfin Werenskiold/BONO 2018. Life is too short for us to dwell on sadness. Double tap if you agree!…” It is surprising how two people can look at the same thing and see two different things. 3. utg. Jane made a delicious spicy sauce for the spaghetti. As pointed out by medical historian Aina Schiøtz, ‘the women were assigned the main responsibility for the key areas of hygiene – cleaning, cooking, caring for infants and parenting. Stay Cheerful is on Facebook. There is so much ado about how to become beautiful that people can sometimes forget it's another matter to stay that way. However, if they could be shown that even birds brushed their beaks in the morning, they would quite easily grasp that they ought not to lag behind the birds. However, they can never steal your ability to laugh and laugh loud. In a lecture he exhorted the audience to battle because ‘the seeds of disease threaten our children in the most dreadful manner’. The primary goal of the preventive efforts undertaken during the first decades of the 20th century was to combat and prevent the spread of the deadly communicable diseases, first and foremost of tuberculosis. Login or Register. best. The artist illustrated the exhortation to brush one’s teeth by showing a boy brushing his teeth on one side of the picture and a group of birds splashing in a pond with their beaks on the other (Figure 2). – Thomas Monson. How to Stay Beautiful. The issue of brushing teeth would thus be approached quite differently (1). With the ongoing pandemic, many people in PR are under greater pressure than ever before, … There are many things evil people can take from you. Oslo: Steenske, 1926. Lægevidenskap og samfund. Folkehelseforeningens tidsskrift 1923–24; nr. When we need to cheer ourselves up we should keep in mind that life is always a matter of contrasts and duality. Top stay cheerful Synonyme (Idiome) . When we decide to see the good side of life, we discover that we gain a more peaceful attitude towards life. Learn more. One example is the book Frisk og sterk, se det er tingen [Healthy and strong, that’s what we want] that Carl Schiøtz himself published in collaboration with the art teacher Johan Anton Tyrihjell (1876–1963) three years later. It might not if that person is grieving. hide. The House Maxims for Mothers and Children have barely been mentioned in medical literature previously and are used here to elucidate certain features of the health propaganda of the time. – Cara Delevingne. Oslo: Gyldendal akademisk, 2003: 75–90. – Melody Carstairs. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 2003: 200–2. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen 1924; 44: 367 - 8. Larsen Ø. Hos skolelegen. Oprop. Special efforts were targeted at children, also with good results. When is this all going to end? by dogmom on Thu Aug 25, 2016 2:57 pm Your husband is very young and if he was in good health other than the myeloma diagnosis, treatment would give him his life back and yours. Her work was supported by all. Suffering prepares us to welcome joy into our lives and teaches us to appreciate every moment of cheerfulness. The quality of our experiences is often dictated by our way of perceiving things. People who always seem cheerful and optimistic don’t actually hold some secret of life that the rest of us failed to learn. The idea of producing a series of health information posters for children was launched by Thomas Schram (1882–1950), a sanatorium doctor (1). Make adjustments. It is my belief that business managers and leaders must always be cheerful and positive no matter how adverse the circumstances they face. As I’ve realized a best saying. Wherever there is pain, joy will follow and vice-versa. [Article in English, Norwegian] Authors Erlend Hem, Rannveig Nordhagen, Per E Børdahl. The article has been peer reviewed. Carl Schiøtz (1877–1938), head of the school medical service of Kristiania and later professor of hygiene, was a member of the same committee. When we smile and laugh, our entire being appears as inviting and warm. Then being sad is only a day's routine. Many doctors got involved in this, including the Norwegian Medical Association. Vitamin Donuts Coaching Week One 1/1. (22.5.2016). Here the pieces of advice had been reduced to the more manageable number of four, and were now combined with drawing and colouring exercises for children: ‘Into bed when the time is fair’, ‘Out to play in the open air’, Food that makes me strong and tall’, ‘And now it’s bath time! Some are weakened by storms, while others discover their strength during the same storms. “We’ve got this negativity bias that’s a kind of bug in the stone-age brain in the 21st century,” – Rick Hanson, neuropsychologist. As human beings we tend to be rather selfish, even though the cure for most of our troubles lies in our ability to let go of our ego and give our hearts to those around us. Oslo: Historisk institutt, Universitetet i Oslo, 1991. One of the recommendations is to ‘Bathe often’ (Figure 6). I: Benum E, Haave P, Ibsen H et al, red. NAYA DIN NAYA VIDEO... IS BAAR 12 AM THOUGHT ...HOW TO STAY ALWAYS MOTIVATED? Gade FG. The house maxims are hardly mentioned in social or medical history books, with the exception of the reference work Veiene til velferdsstaten [The roads to the welfare state] by Anne-Lise Seip (8) and the report from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health on public health in Norway 1814–2014, in which one of the pictures illustrates the introduction (30). It violently sweeps everything out of your house, so that new joy can find space to enter. 20 Fascinating Webcams You Can Watch Online Right Now. The schools should inculcate their pupils with knowledge of hygiene. 4. They take their joy from simple, but meaningful moments and experiences. He concluded with an urgent recommendation to the mothers to visit the nearest bookstore to see the house maxims – and preferably buy them (2). © Dagfin Werenskiold/BONO 2018. People who are always cheerful know that being positive is a constant battle. Posted May 20, 2014 When we cannot find reasons to be happy and cheerful, we can find within us the power to create our own reasons to be happy and excited. – George Matthew Adams. The house maxims were published immediately before Christmas in 1923 (Figure 5). The first ones are the individually oriented: ignorance, greed, self-indulgence, uncleanliness and slovenliness. Health prevention in schools was one of a number of preventive efforts that flourished in the interwar period (10). They fight to overcome the darkness and the negativity, using smiles and laughter as weapons. The purpose of the posters was to support – and educate – mothers in their parenting role. At a time of widespread disease, not least among children, this is understandable. The idea of hanging them on the wall in children’s bedrooms excluded large population groups at a time when cramped living conditions were the norm. «Gjør deres plikt… Men la all ting skje i stillhet.» Kvinner i folkehelsearbeidets tjeneste. Always Stay Cheerful . [PubMed]. However, the association did not exclude the possibility that health promotion needed to go beyond educational measures. Adaptation of the form to the objective requires great insight (20). Negativity is the default position. And so life goes on. The truth is that they  are actually the ones who appreciate every experience, no matter how simple it might seem at a first look. Never hurry. Schiøtz C. Lægevidenskapens samfundsopgaver. However, there are a few simple rules that can make our lives better and that can ensure our well-being. ‘Hustavler’ [‘House maxims’] were brief collections of rules for living, often with a religious content. One of the authors is an editor of the Journal of the Norwegian Medical Association. Typical of their time, the house maxims provide an interesting example of the patriarchal and optimistic belief in the effect of individual health information. Hold Great Dreams and Hopes in the Pureness of Your Heart. [Article in Norwegian] Hem E, Nordhagen R, Børdahl PE. How to Maintain a Calm and Cheerful Attitude. Explaining the necessity of brushing teeth to small children in the 1920s was clearly no simple matter. The reviewer in the Journal of the Norwegian Medical Association believed that the pictures could have a mission in the service of public health also beyond the confines of the nursery; they could help promote the idea of hygiene in adults as well. Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening, Postboks 1152 Sentrum, 0107 OSLO, Sentralbord: 23 10 90 00 •  E-post:, Sjefredaktør Are Brean • Tidsskriftet redigeres etter redaktørplakaten, Erlend Hem, Rannveig Nordhagen, Per E. Børdahl. stay cheerful Synonyme. And, you can use "being," after "as" as in the last sentence above, or not. 9 Simple Ways to Always Stay Positive. Numerous actors were involved: public health nurses, hospital nurses, doctors, teachers, architects, bureaucrats and politicians – and not least the large number of people involved through voluntary aid organisations. – Marty Rubin. This is the most powerful clue that the way we perceive the world is dependent on our attitude and our state of mind. From their joy and happiness, they carve a bright path ahead of them. People should be inculcated with the blessings of water as an invigorating, fortifying, preventive and healing force. Get moving. Sometimes staying positive is easier said than done. – Barney Stilson. Christmas shopping was well underway. Laughing cheerfulness throws the light of day on all the paths of life. Learning to be positive is an essential skill in life. (Although, some will choose to be annoyed by your cheerful attitude – ignore them!) Nordhagen R, Grøholt EK, Graff-Iversen S et al. [PubMed]. The manuscript has therefore been processed by an external editor. Sort by. Key hygiene ideologist Carl Schiøtz (4) recommended spending at least half an hour on breakfast (5). Fill in the missing word. Always be cheerful. Join millions of people and the best independent designers to connect, create, customize physical products & digital designs. Stay happy and don’t let the negativity of the world get you down. – Rumi. The more challenging the circumstances, the more important it is to stay hopeful and optimistic in order to successfully cope with challenges and achieve positive results. If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world. save. Wiesener G. Norges barneforsorg. 4: 60. Hustavler for mor og barn. Print 2018 Oct 30. But sometimes, sorrow catches up on us too quick making itself a home within us. Stay cheerful... always. Life is too short for us to spend too much time in a state that does not bring anything valuable to our life experience. © Dagfin Werenskiold/BONO 2018. Michael 2014; 11: 28 - 44. Kristiania: Steenske, 1924: 216. When something isn’t going your way, when your mood dips, or when you feel “off,” stay curious and self-aware. Concerns for health became a key argument for parenting. In 1922, it hosted a national conference where it was decided to establish the Norwegian Bathing Association (31). Cheerful people love to smile and laugh, and they always try to share their good vibes. 3: 21–2. The texts for the house maxims were prepared by a doctor and teacher in collaboration. Would you like to stay for dinner? The first decades of the 20th century were the time of vitalism, a style of art characterised by adoration for nature and people, body and health, as are the house maxims. Read my post; Ten attitudes to work that works here . SAVED WORDS dictionary. Oslo: Cappelen, 1992: 533–6. The title of the house maxims was unequivocal: they were intended for mothers and children. In Diesen’s opinion, what made them so well suited as health information was their demonstration of how the children’s best friends – the animals – do exactly what humans need to do to stay healthy. You have to understand that if you want to move forward, you will have to learn to look at things from the positive side. These few tips will help you have a positive and cheerful outlook all through this pandemic. The more storms you face in life, the stronger you’ll be. However, the housewife remained a shared ideal. The population should be educated in ‘the hygienic way of life’ (4). I really think that, so I’m always myself – jumping, dancing, singing around, trying to cheer everybody up. Deciding to become awesome and cheerful instead of sad takes great courage, but once mastered, it turns into our greatest strength. Møinichen E. Folkehelseforeningen og dens oppgaver. The maxims were of a general nature. Research on our brain shows that we always tend to focus on the negative things of life like those worries, tragedies, failures, and discontent. Join Facebook to connect with Stay Cheerful and others you may know. Nor was the association’s own journal reviewer unbiased. He made paintings, ornaments for churches, schools and hospitals, and was a prolific illustrator of books. This new brand of social hygiene also targeted individuals (11). Let me know if you will be anywhere near Boulder for any reason and I would love to give you about 3242344 recommendations on the best food in town. Playing involved exercise. Seeing the mud around a lotus is pessimism, seeing a lotus in the mud is optimism. Synonyms: blithe, blithesome, bright… Antonyms: dour, gloomy, glum… Find the right word. When we are cheerful, everything we do gains a certain aura of enthusiasm and optimism that helps us find meaning in every moment of life. Everyday, when we wake up, we can decide with what frame of mind we want to welcome the new day. Cheer up and live life to the fullest. It is cheerful to God when you rejoice or laugh from the bottom of your heart. Being able to motivate ourselves, to cheer ourselves up, and to convince ourselves to go through difficult moments when we would prefer to give up is essential for reaching our goals. It makes all moments count and all fears dissipate. Why You Should Follow Your Passion Instead of the Money. Antall leger i Norge og innbyggere per lege i Norge 1818–2003. Mothers were an important target group for health promotion. Folkehelserapporten. If you’ve got nothing to dance about, find a reason to sing. These ‘four cardinal health rules’ could be sung to the tune of ‘Jeg vil sjunge om en helt’ [I will sing about a hero]. Mortality from pneumonia and bronchitis was close to halved from 1920 to 1940. Steen N. Hustavler for mor og barn. The unselfish effort to bring cheer to others will be the beginning of a happier life for ourselves. External editor: Magne Nylenna. The pieces of advice offered were recognisable, and the boundaries between health and manners, social class and economy were similarly blurred, such as in Rule no. Would you believe on top of everything else - including the latest Crohn's Disease relapse - I've now been diagnosed with a particularly nasty case of Despite economic crisis, poverty, high unemployment and political unrest, the health of most people improved. København: Akademis forlag, 2004. All their wishes should be properly fulfilled, so that their mind, spirit and body remain in a joyful state. How to Stay Cheerful Posted on Thursday, February 9th, 2012 by . Always Stay Cheerful ( Nov 11, 2018) sadhaka: 11/11/18 10:24 AM ||ShriHari|| Nov 11, 2018, Sunday. Schiøtz A. Viljen til liv: medisin- og helsehistorie frå antikken til vår tid. – George Matthew Adams. This article is based on a lecture held at the spring meeting of the Association of Senior Doctors, Lillehammer, 11 June 2017. In 1920, Norway had 2.6 million inhabitants, half of today’s number. cheerful definition: 1. happy and positive: 2. used to describe a place or thing that is bright and pleasant and makes…. He is best known for his wooden bas-reliefs in the forecourt of Oslo City Hall and the bronze doors of Oslo Cathedral. Infant mortality fell and schoolchildren became healthier, stronger, taller and cleaner. Stay happy and don’t let the negativity of the world get you down. School hygiene emerged as a prominent discipline, with Carl Schiøtz as an energetic advocate. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen 2005; 125: 603 - 5. When we don’t know how to enjoy the small things, we lose many opportunities for happiness. Here are six strategies to help keep you disciplined, focused, and positive through these difficult times. For more on positive attitudes. Their objective was to promote child health through inculcation of a healthy way of life. Stay Cheerful @ Porto - Stay Cheerful @ Porto apartment provides good lodging for 4 guests in Porto. Immediately after the publication of the house maxims, school director Olav Eftestøl (1863–1930) took the initiative to produce health rules for schools as well (21). The interwar period was a rich and varied era for preventive healthcare work in Norway, as described by Aina Schiøtz (10). Perception is thus the thing that transforms an experience into a good story. The authorities continued with classic public hygiene measures that consisted in development of infrastructure in cities and towns, such as water supply, waste collection, sanitary facilities and food inspection. Cappelens kvinnehistorie. Enjoy the little things and be joyful, for one day you may look back and realize they were actually the things that mattered! The good results convinced people of the advantages of hygiene (16). Nothing can cheer us up quicker than the hope of a happier future. The emphasis on individual hygiene measures expressed by the house maxims was therefore in harmony with the association’s objectives. However, we can’t avoid overcast days and drizzly mornings so we need to learn how to stay cheerful regardless of the weather. Stay happy and don’t let the negativity of the world get you down. Various voices were heard in these preventive efforts, including the women’s organisations on both the left and right sides of the political spectrum, and this became even clearer through the 1930s with the growth of the trade union movement. He is not always cheerful, nor always contented, and she often complains of his ill-humour, which, however, of all persons, she ought to be the last to accuse him of, as he never displays it against her, except for such conduct as would provoke a saint. Your greater is coming. 2.Cindy is a very cheerful person who always looks on the_____side of life. Is all what usually influences me. Detailed advice was provided elsewhere (6). Some regarded it as a project for promotion of culture and civilisation. The holidays bring many activities with family and friends, changes in routines and more. Department of Behavioural Sciences in Medicine, Erlend Hem (born 1970), MD, PhD, medical director, professor, chairman of the board of the National Medical Museum Foundation and editor of the language column of the Journal of the Norwegian Medical Association. The author has completed the ICMJE form and declares no conflicts of interest. Bathing was therefore perhaps the association’s primary issue. But not even this was enough. Norsk Mag Lægevidensk 1924; 85: 262 - 3. Also in 1923 there was full awareness that changing behaviour is a difficult task. Professor Torup pointed to the major problem that illness during childhood could represent, and that this could be the origin of lifelong afflictions. A ‘general conscription’ was required, everybody had to contribute. Motta vårt nyhetsbrev! Find another word for cheerful. This was probably not easy to achieve, then as now. Schiøtz C. Hustavler for mor og barn. Present-day parents are likely to be surprised – the cartoon characters Karius and Bactus have simplified this element of parenting. Talk to on a rainy day instead of sad takes great courage, but their luck is difficult. Ответил 1 человек: ПОЖАЛУЙСТА cheerful mind is the surest way to cheer ourselves up is striving to cheer else... The emphasis on individual hygiene measures expressed by the most superficial challenges 2: renessanse, reformasjon, revolusjon fra! To sing us too quick making itself a home within us state that does not bring anything to... Turn into cheerful and optimistic don ’ t let the negativity of the mothers of these efforts this could the. All these activities can be really challenging lives better and that this could be beginning... 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stay cheerful as always 2021